Educational Assistance Classes



Is intended primarily for students with learning or other disabilities. The goal of this class is to assist students in mastering skills for success in their academic and vocational classes. Students will practice and apply skills and strategies learning to their assignments from their academic or vocational classes.

Requisites: None

Credits: 1


Is a course designed primarily for students with learning disabilities. This non-transferable,non-degree applicable course offers both group and individual instruction in the fundamentals of mathematics. Students will work toward individual and group instructional objectives. Students registered in Disabled Students Program and Services may repeat this course as many times as necessary to achieve course objectives.

Requisites: None

Credits: 1


Is designed primarily for students with learning disabilities. This non-transferrable, no degree-applicable course offers both group and individual instruction in the development of basic reading and written language skills. Students will utilize assistive technology to further enhance the development of English skills. Students registered in Disabled Students Program and Services may repeat this course as many times as necessary to achieve course objectives.

Requisites: None

Credits: 1


Is intended primarily for students with learning or other disabilities. The class is an introduction to the development of academic reading and writing skills. Students will focus on the connections with reading and writing in an academic setting.

Requisites: None

Credits: 2


Is intended primarily for students with learning or other disabilities. The class is an introduction to the development of mathematic skills for transfer-level math courses. Topics will include percentages, beginning statistics, simplifying algebraic expressions, and solving linear equations in one variable.

Requisites: None

Credits: 2


PE 019

Is designed for assessment of a student's fitness and ability levels. With this assessment, an individualized exercise program is designed to meet the student's fitness needs. The fitness components to be emphasized will include an increase in muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance.

Requisites: Student must have a disability verified by a DSPS counselor or DSPS administrator - Must be completed prior to taking this course.

Credits: 1