Help Desk Services
Student’s first contact for assistance should be any of the student services staff located at the Eagle Help Desk in the Student Union at West Hills College Lemoore. You can contact the Eagle Desk by phone at 559-925-3000 during school hours. After hours assistance and technical assistance is also available to assist you via email at or by phone at 559-934-2002.
Eligibility Requirements
- Admission to West Hills College Lemoore requires one of the following:
- High school graduation.
- Successful completion of the California High School Equivalency Examination or G.E.D.
- Attainment of adult status, 18 years of age.
- Recommendation from the principal of the high school the student is attending and
parental permission.
- Student must be approved for “advanced scholastic or vocational work,” and must be identified as a special part-time or full-time student. Some courses may have restricted access based on age or
- Students may be admitted as a special part-time or full-time student (dual enrollment)
- the class is open to the general public or the class is offered during the normal school day at the student’s high school campus; and
- the student is currently enrolled in grade 11 or 12 (Junior or Senior year). Exceptions may be made for some special programs and course work, and
- the student has demonstrated eligibility for instruction by completing assessment and orientation.
Eligibility for Dual Enrollment Admission Definitions:
- Advanced scholastic or vocational work is identified as college-level, degree-applicable course work.
- A special part-time student is identified as a high school student who is attending high school and community college concurrently, and is enrolled in 11.0 college units or less.
- A special full-time student is identified as a high school student who has been completely released by his or her high school to attend West Hills College Lemoore fulltime, and is enrolled in 12.0 units or more.
Pursuant to California Education Code Section 76001 (d), specially admitted part-time students may not enroll in more than 11 units per semester.
Pursuant to California Education Code Section 76300 (f), specially admitted part-time students may be exempt from payment of the enrollment fees, per special action of the Board. All other appropriate fees shall be assessed.
Specially admitted students released from their high school to attend full-time must pay the enrollment fee and all other appropriate fees as assessed. However, full-time special admit students may qualify for the California College Promise Grant program.
Admission Procedure
Students must apply using our online application available at or by visiting the Student Union or Administration building on campus.
Orientation is required for all new students and provides you with the tools and skills to navigate your first semester. West Hills College Lemoore Orientation is scheduled at a variety of times in the traditional face-to-face setting and orientation is also available online. Students are exempt from orientation if they have attended and/or participated in orientation at another college.
Placement Tests
Pursuant to Assembly Bill 705, we are pleased to share that all students have an opportunity to qualify for transfer-level math and English using a “new” placement guide, which focuses on using your high school records instead of our old assessment tests. Using this information, we can provide you with a variety of academic and student support services to help you succeed.
For more information on placement, please contact the West Hills College Lemoore Eagle Help Desk at (559) 925-3000
Transcript Evaluation
For those applicants who want their high school or official college transcripts reviewed to clear course prerequisites or evaluated to prevent repetition of successfully completed coursework, students should arrange to have academic transcripts from their graduating high school or prior colleges sent to Admissions and Records. Electronic official versions of the transcripts may be sent to The student must notify the institution previously attended to mail official transcripts directly to West Hills College Lemoore, 555 College Ave., Lemoore, CA 93245. For timely evaluation, all transcripts should arrive prior to the student’s registration date to prevent an interruption to the automated registration process. All transcripts become the property of the College and photocopies may not be released.
Student Correspondence
West Hills College Lemoore has reduced its environmental footprint by limiting most paper communications. Our primary mode of correspondence to the student is the college-provided email address. This email account is assigned once a student submits an application and (re)sets their “MyWHCCD” password. We strongly encourage you to check your email often, as information we send will often be time sensitive and important to your successful college career.
Registration and Course Schedule
Registration is the formal process of securing a seat in and arranging courses desired by the student into a program of classes. Semester class schedules are available online via the student portal, myWestHills (
West Hills College Lemoore makes it possible for students to register in advance for classes for an entire year! Students are able to register for all three terms, Summer, Fall, and Spring, of the academic year at once. This allows students to plan and guarantee their class schedule for a full academic year.
Reg365 is open to all students enrolled at West Hills College Lemoore, but will benefit students with an educational plan the most. They will already know which classes they need to take if they’re following their educational plan and making academic progress. Students who are eligible for priority enrollment registration will be notified via email as well as their student portal.
Open Educational Resources (OER)

West Hills College Lemoore has a number of courses that have been designated in the course schedule as Open Educational Resource (OER) courses. No textbook purchase is required for OER courses. The free, no cost educational materials in these courses may include modules, textbooks, videos, software, and other tools and resources. Computer and Internet access are required and accessible in the Learning Resource Center on campus if needed. OER courses in the schedule will be designated by the icon to the right.
Additionally, West Hills College Lemoore currently has three Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) degrees available to students. Students in the following degree programs can complete their 60 units by taking designated OER courses in the schedule and complete their degree with no textbook costs.
- AA-T Elementary Education
- AA-T Psychology
- AA-T Sociology
Registration Holds
All student obligations must be met before a student’s record is considered clear. Outstanding holds may the ability to obtain enrollment verifications, grades, diplomas, and other services offered by the college.
Enrollment Priorities
West Hills College Lemoore provides priority registration to students who enroll for the purpose of degree or certificate attainment, transfer to a four-year college or university, or career advancement.
For the purposes of priority registration eligibility, a student must complete orientation, (Formerly placement test), and have a current educational plan. Some further considerations are:
- First-time students shall be defined as students with no district courses recorded on their academic record, and who have not previously been awarded priority registration.
- Potential graduating seniors and first time students are required to complete orientation, multiple measure/self-placement, and an education plan.
- Continuing students are students who are currently enrolled during the semester when the registration period occurs. All continuing students must have a completed student education plan on file to receive early registration.
Students are required to meet all criteria for registration priority before a deadline approximately one month before the registration period opens. These registration priorities also apply to courses offered during the summer session.
Students may have the following registration priority, in the order listed below:
- Students who are eligible may be:
- Member of the armed forces or veterans;
- Foster youth or former foster youth;
- Verified homeless students under age 25;
- CalWorks eligible and receiving services;
- Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS); or
- Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)
- Members of the West Hills College President’s Scholars Program
- TRIO (SSS, Upward Bound) CAMP students; continuing students with at least 45 completed or in progress units; and potential graduating high school seniors
- Continuing students with a Student Education Plan (SEP) between 30 and 44.9 completed or in progress units
- Continuing students with a Student Education Plan (SEP) between 15 and 29.9 completed or in progress units
- Continuing students with a Student Education Plan (SEP) and with less than 14.9 completed or in progress units, all other eligible first time students
Registration priority may be lost at the first registration opportunity after a student:
- Is placed on academic or progress probation or any combination thereof as defined in these Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 4250 for two consecutive terms; or
- Has earned or is in progress in seventy (70) or more degree-applicable semester equivalent units at the district.
For purposes of this section, a unit is earned when a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D or P as defined in Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 4230. This 70-unit limit does not include units for non-degree applicable English as a Second Language or basic skills courses as defined by the college Vice President of Educational Services. However, these units will be used for the purposes of placing students into a priority group. Students enrolled in high unit majors or programs as designated by the college Vice President of Educational Services may be exempted from the 70-unit maximum.
Units earned through transfer, credit by examination, advanced placement, military credit, Joint Service Transcripts (JST), International Baccalaureate, or other similar programs shall not count in unit values for priority registration purposes.
The District shall notify students who are placed on academic or progress probation, of the potential for loss of enrollment priority. The district shall notify the student that a second consecutive term on academic or progress probation will result in the loss of priority registration as long as the student remains on probation. The District shall notify students who have earned 75% or more of the unit limit, that enrollment priority will be lost when the student reaches the unit limit.
Appeal of Loss of Enrollment Priority
Students may appeal the loss of enrollment priority when the loss is due to extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are documented, verified cases of accidents, illnesses or other circumstances beyond the student’s control or when a student with a disability applied for, but did not receive a reasonable accommodation in a timely manner. The Vice President of Student Services or his/her designee will review the appeal and determine its status at his/her sole discretion.
Late Registration
Students may add classes through the first day of any class section. After the first day of class, students may add classes through the registration period with instructor add authorization. Students may make program changes during the first week (or the equivalent) of instruction, online or through the Student Services office, with instructor add authorization as long as prerequisites have been met for the desired course. After the first week of the semester, students may add a course with instructor add authorization and area administrator approval.
Wait Lists
When seats are not available, 5 days prior to the start of the term, students may add themselves to a course section waitlist. If seats become available, the first eligible student is granted permission to register and is informed via email address. This permission expires within five (5) days after being granted.
The waitlist acts as an indicator of interest to allow West Hills College Lemoore administrators to determine if another course section should be opened. West Hills College Lemoore cannot guarantee that seats will become available or that additional sections will be opened but will make every effort to redirect you to alternative sections with seat availability.
Auditing Courses
Education Code section 76370 authorizes districts to charge students who audit courses a fee not to exceed $15 per unit per semester. Students auditing courses are prohibited from changing their enrollment to credit status, and the attendance of auditors is not included for purposes of state apportionment. Please note that students enrolled for credit in ten or more semester units may audit an additional three or fewer units without paying this fee. There is no authority for districts that establish this fee to allow any other type of waiver.
Adding or Dropping a Class
Students may change their schedule by adding or dropping full-semester classes through the first week of instruction using the MyWestHills portal with instructor permission as long as prerequisites have been met for the desired course addition.
- Full Term (18 week) courses — A course may be dropped during the first three weeks of instruction without a notation appearing on the academic record. A grade of W will be assigned from the fourth week through the end of the 13th week. If the student remains enrolled in a class through the beginning of the 14th week, a letter grade other than W will be assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to drop a class in which he/she no longer wishes to be enrolled.
- Short-term (less than 18 week) courses — A course may be dropped prior to the first 20% of instruction without a notation appearing on the academic record. A grade of W will be assigned to any drops from the 20% point and before the 75% point of Instruction. If the student remains enrolled in a class from the 75% point on, a letter grade other than W will be assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to drop a class in which he/she no longer wishes to be enrolled.
Special Note: For classes with less than 5 meetings, you must drop prior to the start date of instruction to prevent a notation or grade appearing on your record.
Class Cancellations
Courses listed in the schedule of classes may be cancelled due to low enrollment. If a class is cancelled, fees will automatically be refunded and credited to the students’ account. Every effort will be made to inform students of other available sections. Early registration and attendance at first class meetings will help prevent scheduled classes from being cancelled.