The Academic Senate conducts its business using the resolution process. Resolutions are designed for the senate to urge or recommend policy or action to the Board of Trustees, chancellors or college presidents, other local groups, or the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. Resolutions differ significantly from motions made on the floor of a senate meeting.
Made by elected representatives/officers
Made orally on the floor
May be acted upon at that time
May be enacted by a simple majority
Presented by committee, senators or officers Presented in writing prior to meeting
as part of agenda, and shared broadly with all faculty Generally receive first reading
and adopted at a subsequent meeting Retain the force of the argument in the 'whereas'
clauses of the argument Make clear the actions to be carried out may require a roll-call
vote The suggestions below and the appendices associated with them illustrate how
resolutions become an effective implementation by the senate.
Writing Resolutions
- Though resolutions should be submitted for first readings and then for action at a following meeting, this process may be altered by calling for a "suspension of the rules" to accommodate urgent circumstances.
- Resolutions should receive wide distribution prior to being acted upon; additional copies should be available at the senate meeting at which it will be discussed.
- Resolutions should be represented as a separate agenda item under the appropriate agenda category.
Revising Resolutions
- Resolutions may be amended for further clarification/addition/deletions.
- Preferably, resolutions should be submitted in writing, although verbal submissions are possible depending upon the desire of the local senate and its bylaws or standing rules.
- Resolutions may be substituted with another resolution on the same topic; however, this should be submitted in writing before considering the original resolution for action.
- Resolution amendments/substitutions will be considered prior to the original resolution.
Discussing and Adopting Resolutions
- Discussion on resolutions or any amendments should have a pre-set time limit.
- Any attendee at the meeting should be permitted to engage in the debate.
- The president may recognize pro and con arguments alternately. When there is no speaker on one side of the motion, debate on that question is closed.
- Only official senate representatives may vote. The nature of the voting itself (voice, ballot, roll-call votes), as well as determination of what constitutes a successful or a failed vote, should be spelled out by the senate. A simple majority is required for a resolution to be adopted by the senate.
Disposition of the Resolution
- Resolutions should be forwarded to the appropriate parties by the senate president or designee with an expectation of a written reply that can be shared with the voting body.
- The official record of the senate meeting should indicate the status of the resolution, and, if required the nature of voting itself.
- ompilations of resolutions adopted by the senate can be submitted as part of a year-end report and widely disseminated among governance groups as your statement of accomplishment as well as evidence of your philosophy.
- All resolutions, including their justifying "whereas" clauses, should be archived, perhaps in a single binder, as well as included as attachments to minutes and within related 'topic' files.
Adapted from the State Academic Senate of California
Sample Resolution Form
Subject: _______________________________________________________________________
*Mover: _______________________________________________________________________
Instructional Area: _______________________________________________________
*Seconder: ____________________________________________________________________
Instructional Area:_________________________________________________________
Whereas, The __________________________________________________________________
; and__________________________________________________________________________
Whereas, The__________________________________________________________________
; and__________________________________________________________________________
Whereas, The__________________________________________________________________
Whereas, The__________________________________________________________________
;Resolved, That the Academic Senate for Lemoore College
______________________________________________________________________________ ; and
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for Lemoore College______________________ ; and
*A mover and seconder must be a senator, or officer of the Lemoore College Academic