Know Your Rights: The AB 705 Initiative and What it Means for Students

We are pleased to share that all students have an opportunity to qualify for transfer-level math and English using a “new” placement guide which focuses on using your high school records instead of our old assessment tests. Using this information, we can provide you with a variety of academic and student support services to help you succeed!

Research shows that a high school grade point average is the strongest predictor of performance in college-level coursework. With the newly enacted Assembly Bill 705, students will receive a placement using high school records instead of our old assessment tests. 

How is my Placement Calculated?

For students who graduated from a US high school within 10 years, high school information will be used for placement into a transfer level course.

Unweighted, high school GPA through 11th or 12th grade will be used for English and math placement. In addition, high school math coursework will be used in math placement for STEM majors.

Depending on the high school GPA, a co-requisite support course may be recommended in addition to transfer level Math and English.

English GuideMath (Meta) GuideMath (STEM) Guide
English Placement Guide
   English Placement for all Majors
HS GPA 2.6

Transfer Level English Course
ENG 001 (4)

College Composition and Reading
HS GPA <  2.6

Required Support Course
ENG 001 (4) & ENG 051 (2)

Concurrent enrollment
Math Placement Guide (Meta Majors)
  Arts, Language, and Communication Education Social Science and CTE*
HS GPA 3.0

Transfer Level Math Course
MATH 045 (3)
Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 010A (3)
Structure and Concepts in Mathematics I
MATH 025 (4)
Introduction to Statistics 
HS GPA <  3.0

Required Support Course
MATH 045 (3)
MATH 145 (2)
Concurrent enrollment
MATH 010A (3)

MATH 110A (2)
Concurrent enrollment
MATH 025 (4)

MATH 125 (2)
Concurrent enrollment
Math Placement Guide (STEM Majors)
C or better in HS Calculus 
&  HS GPA ≥ 3.4
Completion of  MATH 016
MATH 001A (5)
Calculus with Applications 
C or better in Integrated Math 3 or Algebra 2
& HS GPA ≥ 3.4GPA
Completion of  MATH 041
MATH 016 (6)
Precalculus and Trigonometry

C or better in Integrated Math 3 or Algebra 2
HS GPA < 3.4

MATH 041 (4)
College Algebra for STEM

Incomplete Integrated Math 3 or Algebra 2

Required Support Course 

MATH 041 (4)
MATH 141 (2)

Concurrent enrollment

Placement Results (AB 705)

California Title 5, sec. 55522(i)(4) requires that community colleges publicly post their placement results, disaggregated by race and ethnicity
View AB 705 Placement Result Disclosures